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Welcome to EsFoMed – Essener Forschungsinstitut für Medizinmanagement GmbH

The Institute

The Essener Forschungsinstitut für Medizinmanagement (EsFoMed GmbH) is an independant, scientific institute, which was found in 2014 by senior employees of the renowned Chair of Healthcare Management and Research at the University Duisburg-Essen.
The interdisciplinary team combines extensive expertise and knowledge in a comprehensive service spectrum for any healthcare theme.
We realize innovative and individual customer-specific solutions. Our Portfolio comprises scientific analyses and strategic advice on design, implementation, market launch as well as evaluation of healthcare Projects.

Contact us:

Essener Forschungsinstitut für Medizinmanagement GmbH
Bredeneyer Straße 2b, 45133 Essen

+49 (0)201 – 565754-0

Webdesign von BLACKTENT, Ihrer Internet-Agentur in Dorsten
EsFoMed GmbHBredeneyer Straße 2b, 45133 Essen+49 (0) 201 - 4517